Monday, September 22, 2008

From a day spent at the E.R., to an evening of bike riding

Saturday afternoon Michael started showing symptoms of not feeling well. He had a headache, neck pains and a fever. We woke up Sunday and went to church and came home and he ended up having a fever of 102.5. Later in the evening he seemed to be doing better, except for his blood sugar levels were very high. Soooo, this morning I still was concerned and decided to call the advice nurse and schedule an apt. with our pediatrician. Once I told her the symptoms and what was going on, she told me I needed to get him to the emergency room right away. That's one way to freak a parent out! Because of his diabetes, he can't fight off viruses as easily as those of us that don't have diabetes and it also causes additional health issues when he is ill. Once we arrived to the E.R. they gave him fluids through an I.V., did a throat culture, blood tests and ruled out meningitis(thankfully). The doctor at one point was ready to do a spinal tap and I shared my concerns and thought we should hold off on that. Today was a very difficult day to get through. This was the first time since Michael was diagnosed that he has been sick with anything. I've dreaded this day and have done my best to try to keep him healthy. It's amazing how diabetes can make some simple viral infection turn into a day long stay in the E.R. I think it brought back a lot of memories for Michael also. As soon as he saw the bed in the E.R he stopped in his tracks and looked at me and said "what is that for". Kind of like, that's not for me is it? He cried all day, saying he wanted to go home. Finally, when we got the o.k. to leave, we told Michael we would take him to Toys R Us and get him a new bike. He definitely deserved it. He was a brave little boy today and continues to amaze me. I love you Michael and I don't know what I would do without my little "Pistachio".


Ellis Family said...

MAN! What a day! I'm so sorry! Glad he's ok and LOVE his new bike! Ethan learned to ride a two-wheeler this week! Did you get my check? Miss you and luv you!

The Bennett Family said...

Wow Shelly! Hospitals can be so scary! Is Michael feeling better now? If you need anything don't hesitate to call cause you know I'm home doing nutin. We need to get the kids together again. They had a blast last time they were together.(Playing pirates of course) What would you do with Michael Gale but play pirates!!! Take care, Amy

Lyndsay said...

Oh Shel... I am so sorry that you spent the day in the E.R. I am glad that Michael is feeling better though. What a scary time for you both. He looks like he is enjoying his new bike. I'll give you a call soon to catch up. Love you guys and i'm glad that Michael is ok. Give the kids a hug for me.

K & K said...

Wow the Lord really does answer prayers. It is hard to be so far away from the one's you love especially when there sick. But times have changed when the boys or I went to the Hospital or E.R. we got a box of See's Candy. Glad to see he is feeling better. Hugs and Kisses from the both of us.

shelly said...

Who is k&amp:k?? I'd really like to know.