Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My new look!
Monday, September 22, 2008
From a day spent at the E.R., to an evening of bike riding
Monday, September 15, 2008
This song hit home like no other. It starts.... "got the news today, Dr. said I had to stay, a little bit longer and I'll be fine." I remember when Ranse and I got the news in Mexico that Michael had been diagnosed with diabetes and was in I.C.U. Not understanding what our new lives would bring, I thought that Michael would have to stay at the hospital until he felt better and then could go home to his normal life. Once we finally arrived at the hospital(not knowing anything about juvenile diabetes) and witnessed Michael screaming anytime a nurse walked into the room because she had to prick his finger or give him an insulin shot, I finally asked "how much longer will he need these shots?" I think I went into shock when she told me "He'll need these the rest of his life" My heart sank and I instantly felt like I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. I'll never forget how I felt when she told me that and when I hear this song it takes me back to that day.
The song goes on to say "you don't know what you got, till it's gone". We truly don't, one minute you can be perfectly healthy and the next minute, fighting some awful disease.
Another part of the song that stands out to me is when the chorus says "you don't even know". Juvenile Diabetes is one of those diseases that I don't think many people really understand. Believe me I had no clue until I had no choice but to learn. I am still in the learning stages a year and a half later. I've decided though, that I was not going to sit back and be quiet about it. I feel as a mother, it is my responsibility to get the word out about this disease and do my part to help find a cure. I want my son to one day, not rely on insulin injections to get through the day. I also don't want any other children to have to endure a life with diabetes. It's not any fun!
As a mother of a young child with diabetes, I worry every minute of every day. Michael doesn't come to me and say "I'm not feeling good right now", it's a total guessing game on my part. I look forward to him getting older and being able to notice the symptoms of when his blood sugar is high or low. Luckily for me, I have the gift of the spirit with me. I've been prompted to test him while he was sleeping in the middle of the night a few times and luckily I followed those promptings. His (numbers) as I call it, were very low and I had to wake him and get him to eat or drink something to get his numbers up. Blood sugar levels that get too high or too low could be fatal.
Michael is a trooper! He is so positive about his situation. I asked him earlier what he thought about having diabetes, just curious to see what a four year old would say and he told me " It's good mommy, it helps me to be healthy because I can't eat candy". I guess that's one way to look at it, the cup is half full!
We'll just keep waiting "A little bit longer".
I was going to end this blog with that quote above, but I can't go without sharing some of the signs and symptoms that come with diabetes. Any child can get it, no one is immune, so if you see any of these be sure to see a doctor. Extreme thirst, extreme hunger, constantly needing to go pee, instant weight loss, sweet odor to breath, fatigue or go into shock.
Friday, September 12, 2008
"You're all a bunch of LOSERS!"
I was flipping through my pictures and came across some from Michael's soccer game last weekend and they reminded me of a funny story. Michael is 4 and is playing soccer with boys that are 4 and 5. It's very important that you know how old they are. So, at this age, the coaches are allowed out on the field to help tell the kids what to do and where to go(cause really, how many 4 year olds have a clue). We have great coaches who are very positive and try to make it fun for the boys. Let's just say that the opposing team was not as fortunate as us, they were coached by a husband and wife that had some issues. Let's start off by saying the wife had absolutely no patience with the boys and was literally dragging them to their positions and shoving them in place. After our team scored it's third goal, making the score 3-0 the husband/coach for the other team spoke up and told the boys "you're all a bunch of LOSERS!" Gasp, SAY WHAT!?!?!?!?!?! Ranse and I looked at eachother at the same and busted up laughing. We couldn't believe the coach told a bunch of 4 year olds they were losers. So, the rest of the game we were hoping one of our boys would "accidentally" kick him where it hurts! What a LOSER!!!!