Monday, October 20, 2008

It's Over!

Natalie Bennett came out to our house last Friday to play with Michael. Little did we know she would give us some devastating's over! She's not going to marry Michael anymore, she's marrying Ben!!! Can you believe it? Michael took it like a man and although she's found a new man they still put their arms around each other for the picture.(I'm sure they will find this very funny one day)

1 comment:

The Bennett Family said...

Well that's my girl! :( I can't believe she told Michael about Ben. Actually, I can 5 yr olds are honest! Aaron told her that Ranse told him what she said to Michael. She goes,"Why'd Michael's dad tell you?" Sorry, sounds like she has no confidence in Ranse any longer. Aaron threw him under the bus. (: She loves Ben because he's Crazy! Great she's just like her mom!