After our last trip cross country with three young kids we said we'd never do it again. Between the three kids we had around 12 vomit incidents while on the plane and to top it all off our luggage got lost and didn't arrive to my mom and dads until 3 days later! You're worst nightmare of traveling, well we were living it! I have to say it took us three long years before we could get the courage to try it again and this time we were able to travel vomit free. The kids did great, Michael was excited at first and then somewhere over Colorado he told me he was ready to get off the plane and go back to California. He was done, he no longer wanted to go to Maine. I asked him if he had a parachute, cause that was the only way he was getting off the plane.
While in Maine, Ranse and Lil' Ranse got to go deer hunting the whole first week. It was some good male bonding time. You'll have to ask Ranse about the one that got away..... he'll love me for mentioning that! While the guys were out hunting I enjoyed being lazy and just relaxing. My little sister was there with her six month old and I enjoyed cuddling with him. He's sooooo cute!!!
All of my family gathered at my uncle's house for Thanksgiving. I counted around 40 of us. Most all of my family lives in Maine, it was so great to see everyone.
We took all the cousins to see a movie one night and on the way home we got hit by a beautiful snow storm. I know beautiful is not a word you think of when you think of a storm but, it was! It was dark and these HUGE snowflakes were coming down, I'm talking gigantic snowflakes! As soon as we got to my mom and dads the kids grabbed some gloves and had a snow fight. It was great to see them so excited about the snow.
We had a great trip, it was hard to get back home and get back into the same routine. I'm already looking forward to another vacation.
Thanks Mom and Dad for putting up with a house full of people and taking care of us. We love you and can't wait to see you again :)