Monday, July 7, 2008

Ranse's 1st time at Scout Camp

Ranse turned 12 in February which makes him an official boyscout! He was very excited to attend his first full week of scout camp from June 16th-June 21st. Along with coming home filthy dirty and wreaking of body odor he also had lots of great stories to share. He truly had a blast with all of his buddies and his leaders. He said some of the highlights of his week were canoeing, boxing, archery, sharing scary stories in the tent, good food(you know that doesn't happen at home),the hot springs and muddin' in the back of Bro. Duryee's truck. While working on earning some of his merit badges he realized he had a talent in archery and reached the requirements needed in his first try. He also learned that he lacked in the rifle department which took him 10 tries to get what was required. It makes you feel pretty lame as a parent when your kids go away for a week and aren't ready to come home but, I guess on the other hand it's nice to know that Ranse enjoyed scout camp so much and I'm sure made memories that will last a lifetime!

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