Friday, September 12, 2008

"You're all a bunch of LOSERS!"

I was flipping through my pictures and came across some from Michael's soccer game last weekend and they reminded me of a funny story. Michael is 4 and is playing soccer with boys that are 4 and 5. It's very important that you know how old they are. So, at this age, the coaches are allowed out on the field to help tell the kids what to do and where to go(cause really, how many 4 year olds have a clue). We have great coaches who are very positive and try to make it fun for the boys. Let's just say that the opposing team was not as fortunate as us, they were coached by a husband and wife that had some issues. Let's start off by saying the wife had absolutely no patience with the boys and was literally dragging them to their positions and shoving them in place. After our team scored it's third goal, making the score 3-0 the husband/coach for the other team spoke up and told the boys "you're all a bunch of LOSERS!" Gasp, SAY WHAT!?!?!?!?!?! Ranse and I looked at eachother at the same and busted up laughing. We couldn't believe the coach told a bunch of 4 year olds they were losers. So, the rest of the game we were hoping one of our boys would "accidentally" kick him where it hurts! What a LOSER!!!!

1 comment:

Ellis Family said...

Don't lie Shell! You know that was you and Ranse that said that and now you're doin damage control! (thanks a lot for the bloody mattress comment a-hole!) :)